Saturday, April 18, 2009

Time stealers and wasters...

There are a lot of things out there that zap my time away from me. Facebook, Twitter, Blogs... emails, etc.

I need to get better at ignoring these things... I would rather fill my days with reading, quilting, cleaning, and cooking.

Need to practice more self control and limit my time wasters to an hour a day or something. So if you don't see me online much... it might be because I want to re-evaluate those time wasting things.

Other than that, today was hard. It's hard when you start thinking about family not wanting to talk to other family members. Then you start thinking about the "What ifs" and get into a whole other set of tears. It is sad, and I can't help myself when I start crying/bawling.

Oh well... gonna go spend time with Paul. We went to dinner tonight which was nice at this place called The Urban Onion, then we went on a walk around the lake in Olympia near the capital building... very nice. We saw a heron on the bank of the lake, he was fishing and I got pictures, will post later at some point. :) It looks cool, his eye is glowing in the dark... kind of creepy, it was dark and night time. Feel good after that walk though.

Bye! :)

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